Eleanor N. Dana Cancer Center




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Lung Cancer Screening

Early-stage diagnosis is key to lung cancer survival. Though it’s the leading cause of cancer death in the United States, most lung cancer is found too late due to a lack of symptoms. Lung cancer screenings are the designated standard of care by the U.S. Preventative Services Task Force, in addition to breast and colon cancer screenings. 

Why get screened at UTMC?
The University of Toledo Medical Center is a GO2 Foundation for Lung Cancer Screening Center of Excellence. Screening Centers of Excellence are committed to responsible, high-quality screening and comply with recommended best practice standards.

How is the screening done?
Lung cancer screening uses a low-dose CT (LDCT) lung scan that takes a better picture of your lungs than an x-ray would. The LDCT will look for spots (nodules) in your lungs. Nodules in the lungs are quite common and can often be the result of an old infection. However, your doctor may do additional testing if these nodules look like they may indicate cancer. 

Are you a good candidate for screening?
Screenings are most effective for people who are at high risk and meet all the following criteria:

  • You are between the ages of 50-77
  • You currently smoke or quit within the past 15 years
  • You have a Tobacco smoking history of at least 20 pack-years (ex: smoking one pack per day x 20 years = 20 pack-years; 1 pack =20 cigarettes

Is screening covered by insurance?
Lung cancer screenings are covered by Medicare and most insurance plans.

To learn more call our lung screening navigator at 419.383.5183

Last Updated: 3/10/25