University of Toledo Medical Center


Patient Information



Contact Us

Before You Arrive

The Pre-Registration Process:

  • After scheduling your appointment, a phone interview should be completed with pre-registration to prepare for your arrival.
  • During the interview, we will gather important information for your visit. This information will be kept confidential. You will be asked to give your insurance information, address and date of birth as well as an emergency contact to have on file. Providing the correct information will help us to provide the high quality care you expect from UTMC.
  • For the interview, please have your health insurance card available. You will be asked specific questions regarding your health insurance and the information found on the ID card. The process takes approximately five minutes.
  • After scheduling, ask to be transferred to the Pre-Registration department to complete the interview process.  We will also try to contact you by phone. If you have not received a phone call from the Pre-Registration department 48 hours prior to your appointment, please call 419.383.5000 or outside of Toledo call 800.321.8383 ext. 5000.

The Pre-Registration Department is open five days a week: Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.  Call: 800.321.8383, extension 5000.

If you are looking for a healthcare provider or a service at The University of Toledo Medical Center call, 1.833.Our.UTMC (833.687.8862). We are available 24/7 to help you find the compassionate care you deserve.

Pre-Registration ProcessChecking In When you arrive, please stop at the registration desk. When you check in with the registration specialist, give your name and the name of the physician with whom you have the appointment, have your insurance card and photo identification copied, and sign consent forms.

Your Responsibilities To expedite the check in process please be aware of the following:

  • Bring your photo ID.
  • Make sure you have your current insurance cards with you at all time.
  • Know your insurance benefits. It is your responsibility to know your insurance company's requirements and procedures.
  • Make sure your doctor and The University of Toledo Medical Center are listed as participating providers in your plan's provider book.
  • If your insurance requires a co-pay or out-of-pocket expense, payment will be expected at time of service.

Your Patient Identification Band Each patient gets an identification (or "ID") band when checking into the hospital. The band contains important information about you that helps us meet your individual needs. Please wear the band throughout your stay. If your band is removed, falls off, or becomes uncomfortable, let your nurse know immediately.

Guest and Patient Information Desk The Guest and Patient Information Desk is located in the lobby of the Medical Center. The desk is staffed with ambassadors who are happy to assist patients and guests with non-medical needs or questions. Call 419.383.3866.

Medications Please bring a list of medicines you are currently taking, including the dosage and frequency of each. You do not need to bring the actual medications.

If you bring medications with you, the staff will take note of them and ask you to send them home with a family member or other designated person. Your physician will prescribe the medications you need during your hospital stay.

Last Updated: 3/10/25