University of Toledo Medical Center


Patient Information



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Going Home

What happens during the discharge process
When your physician says you are ready to go home, he or she will write the order on your chart and give you instructions for follow-up care. As soon as you know about your discharge, please let relatives or friends know so your discharge can go smoothly.

Before you leave, check your nightstand, bedside tray and closets for any items you may have missed when packing. When you are ready, ring the nurses’ station with your call light. A nurse will discuss follow-up care with you and then you will be asked to sign your discharge instructions.

The University of Toledo Outpatient Pharmacy is available to fill your discharge. Prescriptions may be delivered to the outpatient pharmacy in the basement of the hospital building prior to your discharge. See your nurse or discharge counselor to assist with this process. The outpatient pharmacy is available to fill your prescription needs Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. and can be reached at 419.383.3750 or dial Ext. 3750 from your room.

Making Appointments
If your physician wants to see you in the office for follow-up care, the nursing staff may assist you with making appointments at your request. Ask the physician or nurse for the direct telephone number to the office in case the appointment cannot be made before you leave the hospital. You may also call the operator at Ext. 4000, 419.383.4000 or 800.321.8383 to obtain your physician’s telephone number if you did not get it before you were discharged.

What to do if there’s a problem

  • If you are still having pain, check with your doctor for treatment options.
  • If you know that your pain gets worse with activity, take your pain medicine before doing the activity.
  • Tell the doctor if the medicine is not managing your pain.

Medical Records
Please be aware that all information in your medical record is strictly confidential and only pertinent information will be available to appropriate members of the health-care team in order to provide treatment, facilitate payment of bills and to monitor and assess hospital functions.

To request copies of your medical records a patient authorization form will need to be completed, signed, and dated by the patient or legal guardian for the release of protected patient health information and sent to the Release of Information (ROI) Office, which is located at 1015 Research Drive. The completed form can also be faxed to the ROI Office at 419.383.3001. The ROI Office phone number is Ext. 4982 or 419.383.4982 and is open from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Request for continuing medical care
The following medical records will be sent to physicians or facilities providing care after discharge:

  • Discharge Summary           
  • Emergency Report
  • History and Physical
  • Operative Report
  • Results of any diagnostic reports (i.e., X-ray, MRI, labs, EKG, etc.)

There is no charge for records released to your physician for continuing medical care.

Requests for Personal Use
If there are seven pages or less, then you will not be charged; however, if there are between eight and 10 pages, then you will be charged for all pages beginning with page 1.

Patient Experience Survey
After you are discharged, you may receive a patient experience survey in the mail. What you value in your health-care services is important to us and your feedback is vital for our continued growth. Our charge is to provide excellent care and service. If there is any reason you may not rate the overall care you received as excellent, or if there is any reason you would not recommend our hospital and services, please tell your physician, nurse or care provider before you go home. We are committed to resolving all issues of dissatisfaction before your discharge.



Last Updated: 3/10/25