
UTMC Welcome Center
The Department of Pathology provides reference laboratory support for Northwestern Ohio. Specialty services in anatomic pathology include cytopathology/fine needle aspiration service, neuropathology, hematopathology, surgical pathology, renal pathology, and ultrastructural pathology.

Services Offered


Blood Transfusion Services The following services are provided by the laboratory: blood typing, blood group antibody identification, blood transfusion reaction work-up, serological studies for hemolytic disease of the newborn and medical consultation for topics related to transfusion medicine, including but not limited to blood transfusions indications, blood component therapy, and management of platelet alloimmunization. Laboratory phone number: 419.383.5212; Medical Director (Robert Booth, MD) phone number: 419.383.3482.

Clinical Chemistry Clinical Chemistry is a fully automated laboratory which analyzes frequently ordered chemistry tests on blood, urine and other body fluids. Laboratory tests include electrolytes, intermediate metabolites, therapeutic drug monitoring, enzymes, lipids, carbohydrates and electrophoresis. The laboratory provides 24-hour service, including STAT and profile testing. Clinical consultation is available upon request. Laboratory phone number: 419.383.7686; Medical Director (Amira Gohara, MD) phone number: 419.383.4918.

Molecular Diagnostics The Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory provides state of the art technology and molecular assays for the detection of human genetic diseases and infectious diseases. Tests include CT/NG, HIV viral load, BK virus, 16S rRNA gene sequencing for identification of bacteria, and rRNA gene sequencing for fungi and yeast. The department has a Molecular Diagnostics Consult Service for physicians and clinicians who need advisement regarding available testing methods and indications as well as official interpretive reports evaluating laboratory data in the clinical context of individual patients. Laboratory phone number: 419.383.5636.

Clinical Microbiology The Clinical Microbiology Laboratory is state of the art and provides microbiology services in aerobic and anaerobic bacteriology, mycology, and molecular diagnostics of infectious diseases. Other testing includes: cryptococcal antigen, bacterial vaginosis, enterohemorrhagic E. coli (0157:H7), Salmonella and Shigella sp., and Illumigene Clostridium difficile nucleic acid amplification test. The department has a Clinical Microbiology Consult Service where official consultative reports are provided by the medical director who has extensive experience and training in general microbiology, antibiotic susceptibility testing, and molecular infectious diseases. This service is available to physicians and clinicians who need advisement regarding available testing methods and indications as well as official interpretive reports evaluating laboratory data in the clinical context of individual patients. Laboratory phone number: 419.383.6646.

Cytopathology The cytopathology laboratory is led by our team of board-certified cytopathologists and performs gynecologic, non-gynecologic, and fine needle aspiration cytology testing. We utilize ThinPrep® technology for all of our gynecologic cytology (Pap test) samples and collaborate with our molecular department, who performs in-house high risk HPV testing and HPV 16/18 genotyping, to provide these results in a comprehensive Pap test report. We evaluate non-gynecologic cytology samples from a wide variety of sources including body cavity fluids, urines, respiratory specimens, and fine needle aspirations. We maintain an active rapid on-site evaluation (ROSE) service for fine needle aspirations performed in radiology (CT and ultrasound), endoscopy (EUS), and bronchoscopy (EBUS). This service ensures that an adequate amount material is collected during the procedure and that it is triaged appropriately for any necessary ancillary studies. This service decreases the need for patients to undergo repeat procedures due to insufficient diagnostic material.

We offer in-house screening of SurePath ®, Thin Prep ® and conventional pap smears with 2-4 day turn around time, correlation of pap smear with surgical pathology specimens to enhance patient care, and high risk Human Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA probe as requested or reflex tested.

Fine Needle Aspiration Service:  Fine needle aspiration (FNA) involves the removal of a sample of cells, using a fine needle, from a suspicious mass for diagnostic purposes. This can be performed on an outpatient basis or at the patient’s bedside. They can be performed by clinicians or cytopathologists (if the lesion is palpable or with use of ultrasound), subspecialty clinicians (endoscopic ultrasound- guided lesions of the lung, stomach, duodenum or pancreas), or radiologists (ultrasound or CT-guided lesions). Consultation phone number: 419.383.3482.

Hematology & Clinical Microscopy Hematology is directed by a Board-certified hematopathologist, Lauren Stanoszek, M.D. Ph.D., and provides a generally complete list of routine and special tests for an accurate hematologic diagnosis. Bone marrow diagnostic consultations are welcome. Clinical microscopy includes urine and fluid analysis. Consultation (Dr. Booth) phone number: 419.383.3482; hematology/urinalysis laboratory phone number: 419.383.5211 or 419.383.7668.

Immunology The Division of Immunology has three sections: General immunology offers diagnostic tests for infectious diseases, autoimmune diseases and immune deficiency diseases are performed, histocompatibility/transplant immunology lab where work up for transplant patients and cellular immunology tests are done, and flow cytometry lab where leukemia and lymphoma phenotyping, as well as DNA analysis of tumor assessment of the immune system of transplant and immune deficiency patients is performed. Histocompatibility/transplant immunology laboratory phone number: 419.383.4292. Immunology Laboratory phone number: 419.383.4300. Medical Director, division of immunology (Amira Gohara, MD) phone number: 419.383.4918.

Surgical Pathology Laboratory diagnosis encompasses all kinds of biopsy and resected samples. Modern, up-to-date ancillary techniques are available - immunohistochemistry, flow cytometry, and electron microscopic analysis. Consultations and laboratory phone number: 419.383.3482. Medical Director (Cara Gatto-Weis, MD) phone number: 419.383.5232.

Ultrastructural Pathology The Division of Ultrastructural Pathology is a fully equipped laboratory for transmission electron microscopy with modern ancillary equipment and a new FEI Technai Spirit microscope. Diagnostic services that are available include diagnostic evaluation of kidney, muscle, nerve, and other biopsy material. In addition to routine ultrastructural techniques, we offer specialized immunocytochemical analysis of biopsy specimens (e.g., kidney, muscle, tumor) and specialized techniques for platelet analysis and virus identification. The laboratory is capable of diagnosing platelet dysfunction related to deficiency of dense granules by a technique called the platelet whole mount method. For most specimens, prompt fixation of small (1-2 mm) specimens in 3% buffered glutaraldehye is ideal. Ultrastructural analysis of specimens fixed with properly buffered formalin can also be done, if necessary. Special handling of specimens may be required for some samples; blood samples, for instance, must be collected in an acid dextrose citrate (ACD) Vacutainer® tube (10 cc preferred), kept at room temperature, and sent by overnight courier. For all diagnostic consultations, a clinical history is also required. Please call for additional instructions. Consultations and laboratory phone number: 419.383.3484.


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  • Health Science Campus
  • The University of Toledo Medical Center
  • 3065 Arlington Ave, Toledo, OH 43614, Rm 0132

Valet parking available

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Last Updated: 3/10/25