Referral Resource Center

Physician and Community Outreach



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Helpful Resources

AIDS and HIV information NWOAIDS.ORG is a network for providing HIV and AIDS information to health professionals, patients and consumers in Northwest Ohio. It identifies agencies and organizations that provide HIV/AIDS services, such as testing, counseling and other types of support in fifteen counties, as well as prominent national resource sites.

Coping With Cancer A free interactive CD, "Coping with Cancer: A Guide for Women", is a resource available for women with all types of cancer. The interactive CD is a collaborative production of the UT Department of Psychiatry, Cancer Institute and Center for Creative Instruction. Creation of the CD was supported by a grant from Wyeth-Ayerst Pharmaceuticals. "Coping with Cancer: A Guide for Women", contains information about caring for the body and mind, cultural concerns, anxiety and depression, and issues of special interest to partners and patients. Click here to receive a free copy of this interactive CD-ROM.

Last Updated: 3/10/25