Men's Health

Sexual and Reproductive Health

Men's Health


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Male Sexual and Reproductive Health

When your family is complete, make plans to avoid any future surprises. The No-Needle, No-Scalpel vasectomy may be right for you.

The only Toledo-area facility to offer the No-Needle, No-Scalpel vasectomy, which offers reduced pain, faster recovery and less risk.

Vasectomy is a highly reliable, minimally risky and cost-effective method of male birth control often preferable to birth control pills, tubal ligation and other forms of female contraception. It is a popular choice of contraception among couples who do not want to worry about accidental pregnancy, with more than 500,000 men in the U.S. undergoing the procedure each year.

20 Minutes Infographic

The simple, safe surgery prevents the release of sperm during ejaculation, which prevents pregnancy. During vasectomy, the urologist cuts the two tubes (vas deferens) that carry sperm from the testicles to the penis. This blocks sperm from leaving the body and causing pregnancy.

The Benefits of a No-Needle, No-Scalpel Vasectomy

The No-Needle, No-Scalpel vasectomy technique eliminates the biggest cause of apprehension for men considering vasectomy – the need for an injection in a very sensitive part of the anatomy to deliver a local anesthetic. It offers patients a virtually painless experience, faster recovery and less risk than traditional procedures.

With the No-Needle, No-Scalpel vasectomy, anesthetic is administered using a high-pressure spray device rather than a needle. The vasectomy is performed through a small puncture using state-of-the-art instrumentation. Because it is minimally invasive, most patients need no stitches and experience:

  • Low risk of complications
  • Less pain
  • Less swelling
  • Faster return to normal activities, usually within a day or two
Will my sex drive change?

No. Your sex drive will stay the same, and you should not experience any change in your semen. Vasectomy does not impact your hormones or sexual function in any way. Sex may be more enjoyable without the worry of accidental pregnancy.

Can I reverse my vasectomy?

Men who have previously undergone  vasectomy have the option of reversing its effects. The surgeon reconnects the two ends of the vas deferens that were cut during the vasectomy. The procedure is usually successful, and many men go on to father children. If the reversal of the vasectomy does not work, other fertility options are available.

Hear one patient’s experience with the No-Needle, No-Scalpel vasectomy.

Dr. Puneet Sindhwani talks with Dr. Ameer Kabour host of “Time Waits for No One” about benefits of the No-Needle, No-Scalpel vasectomy.

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Directions and Parking

  • Urology Clinic
  • 3000 Arlington Ave., Toledo, OH 43614
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Last Updated: 7/29/24