Wound Care and Hyperbaric

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Wound Care & Hyperbaric Center

The University of Toledo Wound and Hyperbaric Center includes board-certified physicians, nurses and other health-care professionals, all specially certified in the management of wound care and hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

Our multidisciplinary team of medical experts includes vascular and plastic surgeons, infectious disease specialists and podiatrists with access to additional specialists including general and orthopaedic surgeons, endocrinologists and physical rehabilitation specialists.

Here at UTMC, we specialize in the care of a wide range of wound problems. Our team provides services in many settings including inpatient, outpatient, emergent care and nursing homes. 

We treat chronic or non-healing wounds, which are defined as ulcers or wounds that have not improved with conventional care. Non-healing wounds have underlying diseases related to inadequate circulation, poorly functioning veins and immobility, and they lead to a decrease in quality of life and may lead to amputations. Typically, a wound that does not respond to normal medical care within 30 days is considered a problem or chronic wound.

Diagnoses we typically treat include:

  • Diabetic foot ulcers
  • Arterial ulcers
  • Non-healing surgical wounds
  • Venous stasis ulcers
  • Pressure ulcers
  • Chronic osteomyelitis
  • Radiation-related tissue damage
  • Any ulcer/wound that persists for more than 4-weeks despite medical care

Underlying conditions that contribute to non-healing wounds:

  • Diabetes
  • Arterial Disease
  • Cancer
  • Venous insufficiency
  • Obesity
  • Immobility
  • Poor nutrition
  • Past history of cancer and radiation treatments
  • Autoimmune diseases

Our multidisciplinary care approach includes:

  • Vascular assessment and testing if indicated
  • Transcutaneous oxygen measurements
  • Nutritional assessment and intervention
  • Infection assessment and intervention
  • Pain assessment, intervention or referral
  • Advanced wound care including, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, negative pressure wound therapy, bioengineered skin substitutes, compression therapy and other advanced modalities


Schedule an Appointment

Call today and schedule your appointment with our team.


Directions and Parking

  • Health Science Campus
  • The University of Toledo Medical Center
  • 3000 Arlington Ave.

Valet parking available

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