Psychiatry (Child and Adolescent)

Kobacker Center

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Frequently Asked Questions

Kobacker Renovated Facility for the comfort and convenience of our patients Kobacker Renovated Facility for the comfort and convenience of our patients

date book Does my insurance cover Kobacker services?
For those who are insured, UTMC accepts most major insurance plans. Be sure to check with your insurance provider to check your coverage. Physician and psychologist services are billed separately.

How old are the kids on the Kobacker unit? How many rooms are available?
The facility includes 16 beds for children and adolescents who are 13-17 and 18 y.o. if still in high school.

Can I stay with my child overnight?
We do not allow family members or friends to stay overnight.

When can I see my son/daughter, and are there visiting hours?

  • Only persons on the approved visitation list may visit and there is a limit of four visitors at a time.
  • Neither boyfriends nor girlfriends will be permitted to visit while the child is a patient on the unit.

Visiting hours are as follows:

  • Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 6 p.m. until 7:30 p.m.
  • Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays from 1 p.m. until 5:00 p.m.

Parents wishing to visit outside of these hours may do so by prior arrangement with the social workers or nursing staff. By special arrangements, parents/guardians may visit 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., with the understanding that their child/adolescent may at times be involved in therapy or educational services and unavailable.

Will my child be able to call home or have phone privileges?
Patients may have three phone calls a day, and there is a 10 minute time limit on each call. There is no cell phone usage allowed.

What is the meal schedule like?
Three meals and two snacks are provided each day. Special diets are available upon physician request.

Is there a dress code?
Clothing should be casual and appropriate to community living and an active daily schedule. No halter tops, tanks tops, muscle tops, midriff tops, short shorts, mini skirts/dresses, short night gowns or clothing with offensive or drug-related pictures or language will be permitted.

What items should my child bring with him/her? We suggest the following:

  • Toothbrush/Toothpaste
  • Deodorant
  • Brush/Comb
  • Shampoo/Conditioner
  • Special skin lotions or medicated soap if needed
  • Feminine hygiene products

Additionally, patients may bring photographs as long as they are not in glass frames.

Items NOT allowed:

  • No razors of any kind will be permitted
  • No straighteners, curling irons, or blow dryers are allowed
  • No blankets, pillows or stuffed animals

Can my child bring a radio or cell phone? No. 

  • No cell phones will be allowed, 
  • No gaming systems will be allowed,
  • No radios, no boom boxes, no cd players or electronics of any kind will be allowed.

Are laundry facilities available at Kobacker?
It is suggested that families should launder their child's laundry at home. A washer and dryer are located on the unit and may be used by adolescents.  Adolescents are encouraged to do their own laundry, so please provide laundry detergent for that purpose.


Last Updated: 3/10/25