Ryan White Program

Ryan White Program

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Frequently Asked Questions

1.  I have no insurance – Can I get medical care and how much will it cost?

There are many grant and federally funded programs to cover the cost of care and medications for people with HIV. You may qualify for one or more of them. The UTMC Care Clinic will see anyone with HIV regardless of ability to pay. To learn if you qualify for medical coverage programs, call us at 419-383-6843 and ask to speak to a Social Worker. You can also call Equitas Health at 419-241-9444 and speak to a Case Manager.

2.  I was just diagnosed with HIV and am scared to death -- what is the difference between HIV and AIDS?

HIV is the human immunodeficiency virus. It is the virus that can lead to acquired immune deficiency syndrome, or AIDS. HIV damages a person’s body by destroying specific blood cells, called CD4+ or T cells, which are crucial to helping the body fight diseases.

AIDS stands for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. Acquired – means that the disease is not hereditary but develops from contact with a disease-causing agent (in this case, HIV).Immunodeficiency – means that the disease is characterized by a weakening of the immune system.Syndrome – refers to a group of symptoms that indicate or characterize a disease. In the case of AIDS, this can include the development of certain infections and/or cancers, as well as a decrease in the number of certain specific blood cells, called CD4 or T cells, which are crucial to helping the body fight disease.

Before the development of certain medications, people with HIV could progress to AIDS in just a few years. Currently people can live much longer - even decades - with HIV before they develop AIDS. They may not even develop AIDS. This is because of “highly active” combinations of medications that were introduced in the mid 1990s. A diagnosis of AIDS is made by a physician using specific clinical or laboratory standards.

3. I have heard that Magic Johnson was cured - is that true

Magic Johnson would be the first to tell you that he is not “cured”. He takes the same medications that may be prescribed for other patients. He takes them as prescribed, he exercises, eats well and takes care of himself. He travels around the country as a speaker, encouraging others to do the same.

4. I have some insurance, but my coverage for prescriptions is poor and I have heard that the meds cost a lot of money - is there any way I can get help with this

Through federal programs and grants, patients who meet financial guidelines can get help with the cost or co-pays of many of their medications. The UTMC Care Clinic has a pharmacy specifically for our patients. Trained professionals can help you find the best prices and help you understand your medications.

5. Do the medicines really work ?

Once a patient starts medications, the results of their blood work can verify that medications are working. Within 4-6 weeks, CD4/T cells go up and viral load (the amount of virus in a blood sample) goes down. A patient can see the success of treatment each time they get their blood work back.


Here’s a great site for all your questions: http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/ or call the Ohio STD/HIV Hotline at 800.322.AIDS or call the UTMC Care Clinic at 419.383.6843.



Last Updated: 3/10/25