Ryan White Program

Ryan White Program

Additional Information

Contact Us


Know your status. Get tested, stay protected.
UTMC free confidential HIV testing sites in the Toledo area.
All sites are open to the public and no appointment is needed.
For additional information contact Danielle Van Fleet, MSW, LSW 419-383-6057
Free, confidential, twenty minute HIV testing is available in many convenient locations in the Toledo area.


How is the HIV test done?
A plastic pad is used to swab the gums (the pink tissue above your teeth). The fluid that is collected is used to look for protein that may be present if you are infected with HIV. This takes just 20 minutes. If this first test is preliminary positive, then a second test will be done to confirm the test results. If the second test is positive, you will be referred to care with a specialist.


For more information visit: www.odh.ohio.gov


Use condoms every time you have sex. Get tested regularly.
Talk to your partners about HIV and ask that they get tested with you.
If you use needles, don’t share them.
UTMC Free Confidential HIV Testing Sites in the Toledo area
The University of Toledo Medical Center
Ruppert Health Center
3125 Transverse Dr.
Toledo, OH 43614
Call for an appointment


Community Care Clinic
Cedar Creek Church
2150 S. Byrne Rd
Toledo, OH 43614
1st & 3rd Thursday of each month
5:45 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.


Bowling Green State University
Student Recreation Center
1411 Ridge Road
Bowling Green, Ohio 43403
1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month
10:30 a.m - 2:30 p.m.
Last Updated: 3/10/25