Ryan White Program

Ryan White Program

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 Referrals and HIV Testing Information

physiciansTwenty years ago the idea of creating a comprehensive, community-based health care center for people with HIV/AIDS was innovative and daring. Today, the Ryan White program, now known as the UTMC Care Clinic, model of treatment has been so successful that it has become a benchmark in long-term HIV care. And the UTMC Care Clinic is proud to be a part of this federally funded system for comprehensive HIV care with The Ryan White Program.

What is so special about the UTMC Care Clinic approach? Simply put, at the UTMC Care Clinic consumers receive a comprehensive range of cutting-edge medical care and support services conveniently located under one roof.

The UTMC staff members provide a wealth of knowledge and experience about HIV care. We offer an array of medical, prevention, and social services, making it easier for patients and clients to receive the complete care they need.

From the initial intake interview visit, the UTMC Care Clinic provides complete; care for people living with HIV - all in a supportive, healing environment, and all under one roof.

HIV Testing Information for Physicians

HIV testing is the gateway to HIV care - and early detection has never been more critical. The widespread use of antiretroviral therapy (ART) has decreased mortality by 70 percent, and has improved the quality of life for people living with HIV/AIDS.

Additionally, since the 1980s, the demographics of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the United States have changed, shifting into previously "low risk" populations. Therefore, so-called "risk-based" testing has become a less effective way of identifying HIV positive people.

New research also indicates that the stigma associated with testing that requires assessment of risk behaviors prevents individuals from seeking testing. More patients agree to HIV testing when it is recommended by their doctor, and offered without a risk assessment.

Therefore, in September 2006, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) issued revised recommendations for routine HIV screening in all healthcare settings in the United States. These new CDC guidelines abandon the previous risk-based approach and reframe HIV testing as a broader public health issue.

As experts in the field, we can help primary care and specialty practices understand how the CDC guidelines for universal HIV testing may affect their practices - and how routine HIV screening can benefit their patients. Please feel free to contact our UTMC Care Clinic Program Manager Katie Himich at 419.383.3852 or Testing Site Coordinator Danielle Van Fleet at 419.383.6057.

To refer a patient in your practice who would benefit from the UTMC Care Clinic Multidisciplinary Clinic , please call our triage line at 419.383.6851.

Last Updated: 3/10/25