The University of Toledo Medical Center


Billing Services



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Frequent Questions Regarding Bills and Statements

If you need additional information, please contact Patient Financial Services at The University of Toledo Medical Center, 419.383.7400 / 800.589.7401.

I received a billing statement. How do I know my insurance company paid its portion? If you have any questions about your insurance payment, please call your insurance company directly. The insurance company's phone number is usually printed on the back of your insurance card.

When do I pay the co-payment? Your co-payment is due when you register. If you are unsure of your co-pay responsibilities, please look at your insurance card, or call your insurance company.

How does my insurance company receive the claim for health care services? The University of Toledo Medical Center files the claim with your insurance company. To ensure prompt, proper claim processing, please verify The University of Toledo Medical Center has the proper insurance information on file when you register.

Why do I receive two (2) billing statements when I only see a physician at The University of Toledo Medical Center? With most physician-related services performed at The University of Toledo Medical Center, there is a corresponding hospital facility fee. This is because the services are performed at the hospital (or a hospital outpatient center) and not in an independent physician's office.

Why are some of my bills from the hospital covered by my insurance, while others are not covered? Coverage can change every year depending on your benefit plan. This determines whether or not a patient's bill is covered by insurance. Hospital coverage often has a deductible or out-of-pocket expense. Since each plan can be different, we encourage patients to carefully review their benefits with their insurance company.

Why do I receive billing statements from the hospital when I was never there? The University of Toledo Medical Center provides a wide array of medical-related services for independent clinics and physicians, as well as other hospitals.

For example, a physician or a free-standing health center may refer lab work to The University of Toledo Medical Center for testing or analysis. When this occurs, the bill for the lab services will come from The University of Toledo Medical Center and not the physician or health center.

My medical bills are adding up fast, and I can't afford to pay them. How can I get help?

We are committed to providing health care to individuals, regardless of family income.

Please call one of our Financial Counselors at 419.383.4588 and/or 419.383.7095 to discuss financial assistance options. Our Financial Counselors can help you apply for a variety of financial assistance programs.

I received a letter stating my account has been referred to a collection agency or collection attorney. Why was this done and what should I do?

Before an account is placed with a collection agency, you will receive two billing statements from The University of Toledo Medical Center advising you of your account activity. You may also receive phone calls from The University of Toledo Medical Center during this billing period.

After these steps have been taken and payment or payment arrangements have not been made, the account is then referred to the State of Ohio Attorney General as directed by the Ohio Revised Code. They act under the direction of The University of Toledo. Once an account is placed with an outside collection agency, we ask that you work directly with the agency to resolve the balance. We hope this lessens confusion and frustration by eliminating unnecessary phone calls.

Do you bill my secondary insurance? Patient Financial Services does bill your secondary insurance company provided it was provided at the time of your service. Please give your secondary insurance a chance to pay after your primary insurance has paid before you call Patient Financial Services. Generally the secondary insurance will pay within 4 weeks after your primary insurance pays.

What's the difference between Medicare and Medicaid? Medicare is a federal program you pay into and can collect at age 65. You may be eligible for Medicare earlier than 65, please check with for more information. You will receive a monthly statement after Medicare processes your claim and notifies you of the amount you owe. Medicaid is a state program based on your income and needs. You will only receive a statement if we do not have your current Medicaid billing information. If you are covered by Medicaid and receive a statement, please call Patient Financial Services immediately at 419.383.7400 or 800.589.7401.

When are payment for services due? For patients with insurance, payment is due upon receipt of the statement. If your insurance company fails to pay or denies your claim, we will consider this balance due from you. If circumstances are such that you don't think your income will allow you to pay your bill, there is a Health Care Assurance Application on the back of the statement you will receive. Your most current tax return is the best form of income verification for this program. If your income is slightly more than the table on the back of the statement we do offer a Patient Financial Assistance program. For more information on either of these programs please contact a Financial Counselor at 419.383.4588 and/or 419.383.7095.

Why does it take so long to get a statement showing what I owe? Generally statements are not generated until all of your insurance companies have responded or made payments. If you have not received an explanation of benefits from your insurance company within 35 days of your visit please contact them for the status on your claim.

Why do I have more than one account number? Every time you come to The University of Toledo Medical Center a new account number is generated.

Who is responsible for payment? The patient or legal guardian is ultimately responsible for costs incurred for care. Once the appropriate forms are completed, The University of Toledo Medical Center will make every effort to collect from your insurance companies or government agencies. It is your responsibility to contact your insurance companies to ensure prompt payment.

Does my hospital bill cover all the charges incurred for my treatment? Not necessarily. The bill you receive from The University of Toledo Medical Center covers only the cost of tests performed and the use of hospital equipment and supplies. You may be billed from one or more physicians' offices in addition to the bill you receive from The University of Toledo Medical Center. These bills may cover such items as physician services or interpretation of tests and X-rays. It is important that you ensure that each of these physicians participates in your insurance plan. To find out if they participate, please contact the office of the billing physician. The results of all tests and / or X-rays will be forwarded to the ordering physician.

If my statement says that the bill was rejected by my insurance what should I do? Contact your insurance company first to find out why they rejected it. If The University of Toledo Medical Center needs to resubmit the bill or send more information, please call Patient Financial Services at 419.383.7400 or 800.589.7401.

How can I be sure my insurance provider will pay my bills? Some health plans require certain services to be authorized, or pre-certified, before the patient receives them. Other health plans require the patient to notify them within a certain period of time after services are rendered. Know your health plan's requirements by reading the information given to you by your insurance provider or employer, or by calling your insurance provider directly.

I'm an uninsured patient. What am I required to do? Uninsured patients may be required to deposit the estimated cost of scheduled services in advance. If additional testing, physician consultations or hospital admissions are necessary, additional deposits may be required. If you are experiencing financial hardship, please click on this link for information about Patient Financial Assistance.

What if my insurance company has no contractual agreement with The University of Toledo Medical Center? If you are a customer of a private insurance company that does not have a contractual agreement with The University of Toledo Medical Center, you can still receive treatment. However, you will be financially responsible for the total charges and may be asked to make a deposit prior to receiving treatment. It is your responsibility to know what your insurance will cover and will not cover. To see if The University of Toledo Medical Center is contracted with your insurance company, please click on this link.

Last Updated: 3/10/25