Heart and Vascular


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Meet Our Experts

Dr. Blair Grubb
Dr. Blair P. Grubb

Director of Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology 
Program Director of Clinical Autonomic Disorders Center 

Dr. Grubb is one of the world’s authorities in the treatment of syncope — abrupt, brief loss of consciousness — and other disorders of the autonomic nervous system. He has patients referred to him from all over the world to help those dealing with severe autonomic disorders. His patients testify on how he takes a personal interest in their condition, and he has a long list of testimonials on how he has provided patients with ways to improve their condition. Grubb has published more than 240 scientific papers, authored five books, written 35 book chapters, and has been the recipient of 10 research grants while at UT. He has been recognized as one of America’s Top Doctor’s 15 years in a row.

Beverly Karabin
Beverly L. Karabin, RN, PhD, CNP 

Nurse Practitioner                                                        

Working in collaboration with Dr. Grubb is Advance Practice Nurse Beverly Karabin, PhD. Her expertise in this field augments the team approach to care. Her years in nursing and her extensive knowledge in autonomic disorders provide you with expert, compassionate care.

For an appointment, call 419.383.3963 or 800.556.5444 (physicians)/800.321.8383 (patients).
Last Updated: 3/10/25