Heart and Vascular


Additional Resources



Contact Us

Your First Visit

Thank you for your interest in the Syncope and Autonomic Disorders Center at The University of Toledo Medical Center. Now that your appointment is scheduled, the following is a checklist of what is needed to provide optimal care during your visit.

  • Send all medical records to UTMC on an encrypted flash drive, disc or email.
  • Be prepared to pay for services provided based your insurance coverage.
  • Confirm you are pre-registered by calling 419.383.5000
  • Arrange travel and accommodations.

Below you will find additional information to make your first visit and preparation go smoothly. 

Two Weeks Before Your Visit

Dr. Grubb will review your past medical records prior to your visit.  Please have your medical records sent to the UTMC Information Management Department on an encrypted flash drive, disc or email provided.

UTMC Information Management
Attention: Kelly Ovall
1015 Research Drive
Mail Stop 1072
Toledo, Ohio 43614

In order to provide the best possible patient care, please ensure that your records are received 2 weeks prior to your appointment. If this is not possible please call the office as your appointment may need to be rescheduled.

Day of Appointment

Please arrive 20 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment. You will check in with registration in the Heart and Vascular Center at UTMC. Please bring with you a valid I.D., insurance information and contact information for your primary care provider and/or referring physician. 

At the time of your appointment payment for the services will be due. We accept cash, check, Visa, MasterCard or Discover. You will not been seen without payment.

Dr. Grubb will spend the allotted appointment time of 90 minutes with you as a new patient. This time may be extended as necessary to ensure a thorough evaluation and treatment plan. Please note, your scheduled appointment time may be delayed due to unexpected emergencies.


If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment please notify the Heart and Vascular Department 2 weeks prior to your scheduled appointment. Please 419.383.3963, press option number 1 to reach our scheduling department. Late cancellations or missed appointments may result in loss of future appointments.

Thank you again for choosing UTMC Heart and Vascular Center. We look forward to caring for you. If you have questions regarding the wait list process you are welcome to call the clinic at 419.383.3963 and press option number 1.

Last Updated: 3/10/25