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Syncope and Autonomic Disorders Center

The University of Toledo Medical Center’s Syncope and Autonomic Disorders Center is world-renowned for its treatment of patients experiencing syncope — abrupt, brief loss of consciousness — and disorders of the autonomic nervous system such as postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS).

Patients can expect to receive compassionate care from a highly experienced team directed by Dr. Blair P. Grubb, a leading expert on disorders of the autonomic nervous system.

What is the autonomic nervous system?

The autonomic nervous system is meant to work automatically (autonomously), without a person’s conscious effort. This system controls functions of the body such as heart and breathing rates, blood pressure, body temperature and digestion. Dysfunction in any of these areas can cause serious problems and a variety of symptoms that can be difficult to diagnose. These disorders can occur on their own or in relation to another disease. When they affect breathing or heart function, these disorders can be life-threatening.

What is syncope?

Syncope, often referred to as fainting, is the abrupt and brief loss of consciousness due to a temporary lack of blood flow to the brain. This loss of consciousness is accompanied by loss of muscle tone that can result in falling or slumping over followed by a rapid and usually complete recovery. While often benign, fainting can sometimes be a sign of serious illness. Recurrent fainting can significantly disrupt a person’s life and make them prone to injury and, on occasion, death. Therefore, it is very important to seek proper medical attention and treatment.

POTS Diagnosis and Treatment

UTMC’s Syncope and Autonomic Disorders Center specializes in treating postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), a condition that affects blood flow and can cause lightheadedness and fainting, brain fog, headaches, blurred vision, heart palpitations, nausea and other symptoms. People with POTS may feel tired or dizzy or experience an increased heart rate when they stand up from a reclining position. Depending on the severity, these symptoms can impair a patient’s ability to perform daily tasks.

An estimated 1 to 3 million people in the U.S. are affected by POTS, which is more common in women and more likely to develop in adolescents and young adults. While researchers do not fully understand the causes of POTS, it may develop in the aftermath of a viral illness, infection, pregnancy or trauma such as head injury.

Our team has the knowledge, experience and tools to diagnose POTS and work with each patient to develop an individualized treatment plan. This may include changes to diet, medications and physical therapy to alleviate symptoms.

Our Team

Dr. Blair Grubb

Dr. Blair P. Grubb

Director of Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology 
Program Director of Clinical Autonomic Disorders Center 

Dr. Grubb is one of the world’s authorities in the treatment of syncope — abrupt, brief loss of consciousness — and other disorders of the autonomic nervous system. He has patients referred to him from all over the world to help those dealing with severe autonomic disorders. His patients testify on how he takes a personal interest in their condition, and he has a long list of testimonials on how he has provided patients with ways to improve their condition. Grubb has published more than 240 scientific papers, authored five books, written 35 book chapters, and has been the recipient of 10 research grants while at UT. He has been recognized as one of America’s Top Doctor’s 15 years in a row./p>

Beverly Karabin
Beverly L. Karabin, RN, PhD, CNP 

Nurse Practitioner

Working in collaboration with Dr. Grubb is Advance Practice Nurse Beverly Karabin, PhD. Her expertise in this field augments the team approach to care. Her years in nursing and her extensive knowledge in autonomic disorders provide you with expert, compassionate care.

Becoming a Patient

Dr. Grubb has approximately a 12-month waiting list. Our office has developed a worksheet to help you obtain information from your insurance company to determine if our services are covered. Once you have completed the worksheet, please call registration at 419.383.5000 and inform the registration specialist that you are interested in becoming a new patient of Dr. Grubb. After providing the necessary insurance information, you will be placed on a list to be scheduled for an appointment. You may also pay out of pocket; if you wish to do so, let the registration specialist know you want to be “self-pay.”

Please bring the insurance worksheet with you to your appointment and present at check in. If you choose to pay out of pocket, download the out of network forms for Dr. Grubb and for Beverly Karabin, our nurse practitioner, to bring with you to your appointment.

Preparing for Your Appointment

Once your appointment is scheduled, the following is a checklist of what is needed to provide optimal care during your visit:

  • Send all medical records to UTMC on an encrypted flash drive, disc or email.
  • Be prepared to pay for services provided, based on your insurance coverage.
  • Confirm you are pre-registered by calling 419.383.5000.
  • Arrange travel and accommodations. The Radisson is located on UTMC campus. Inform the hotel at check-in about the reason for your visit to receive a discounted rate.

Two Weeks Before Your Visit

Dr. Grubb will review your past medical records prior to your visit. Please have your medical records sent to the UTMC Information Management Department on an encrypted flash drive, disc or email to:

UTMC Information Management
Attention: Kelly Ovall
1015 Research Drive
Mail Stop 1072
Toledo, Ohio 43614

In order to provide the best possible patient care, please ensure that your records are received two weeks prior to your appointment. If this is not possible, please call the office as your appointment may need to be rescheduled.

Day of Appointment

Please arrive 20 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment. You will check in with registration in the Heart and Vascular Center at UTMC. Please bring with you a valid I.D., insurance information and contact information for your primary care provider and/or referring physician.

At the time of your appointment payment for the services will be due. We accept cash, check, Visa, MasterCard or Discover. You will not be seen without payment.

Dr. Grubb will spend the allotted appointment time of 90 minutes with you as a new patient. This time may be extended as necessary to ensure a thorough evaluation and treatment plan.


If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, please notify the Heart and Vascular Department two weeks prior to your scheduled appointment. Call 419.383.3963, option 1 to reach our scheduling department. Late cancellations or missed appointments may result in the loss of future appointments.

For an appointment, call 419.383.3963 or 800.556.5444 (physicians)/800.321.8383 (patients).

Last Updated: 3/10/25